The Fenris Wolf Newsletter
The Fenris Wolf Newsletter
The Magic of Dreams Made Real

The Magic of Dreams Made Real

Dear Fenris Aficionado!

Time for another lecture… It’s been a while, as we’ve been unusually busy here at HQ. This is a golden oldie that was presented as an essay in my book Occulture – The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture Forward (Park Street Press/Inner Traditions, 2018).

“With this in mind we can see how our two waking thirds are very adapted for survival. We deal with what needs to be done to provide nutrition, protection and shelter and we work together with greater or smaller collectives to create a solid base for survival Is it then unlikely that the sleeping and thereby dreaming third is also a part of this survival strategy? Of course not. In fact, this could be the most important third of them all.”


Also, please let me know what you’d like to see more of here at the Fenris Wolf site/newsletter. We’re almost up to date on the republishing of the old FW issues (no 9 will be out again shortly!) but there’s always the possibility of publishing rare and unique material here at the site – perhaps for future inclusions in the book series.

Do let me know what you’re interested in. If you care enough to subscribe to this particular newsletter, then you’re undoubtedly intelligent enough to have preferences and passions in life!

Vade Ultra! (and… Sweet Dreams!)

Carl A, Stockholm, April 14th 2021

The Fenris Wolf Newsletter
The Fenris Wolf Newsletter
The hub of Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson, and The Fenris Wolf (the magico-anthropological journal of occulture and "delightenment"). Also the home of Carl's company Trapart Books. And more!